October 27, 2018 The domain Adityacprtm.com has been registered.
The domain Adityacprtm.com has been registered.
The domain Adityacprtm.com has been registered.
Website creation starts and it takes 4 days to complete a static website.
Adityacprtm.com officially released!
Adityacprtm.com is undergoing a redesign with a new design. Version 2 is still on a static website.
Adityacprtm.com moved house from Shared Hosting to Serverless Website on AWS.
Dynamic website development started using Laravel and underwent a Version 3 redesign. It took 2 days to complete.
Adityacprtm.com has a Custom CMS (Content Management System) which is built with laravel.
Adityacprtm.com has a branch, namely Blog! Blog.adityacprtm.com
Blog.adityacprtm.com was built using Wordpress and took 6 days to complete.
The first article has been published on blog.adityacprtm.com!
Adityacprtm.com support dark mode!
Hidemail by Adityacprtm has been released!
EZURL by Adityacprtm has been released!
EZURL has undergone a redesign and has become more mobile friendly!
Blog.adityacprtm.com resigned 😭 and redirected to dev.to/adityacprtm 🎉
The domain adityacprtm.dev was registered
adityacprtm.com is now adityacprtm.dev
adityacprtm.dev was built using the new Tech Stack namely Vue.js, Strapi and MongoDB. Check this out, blog series here
adityacprtm.dev supports localized content in different languages, which is English and Indonesian.
The Backend version has been upgraded, localized content is not currently supported.